What is Bexa?

Bexa is a new, FDA-cleared 510k medical device that employs high resolution elastography to produce a map of abnormal breast tissue and masses.

What makes Bexa so special?


The soft, handheld Bexa sensor is moved gently over the surface of the breast and underarm—safe for breast implants as well.


A Bexa exam typically requires about 15 minutes.

No radiation

A breast exam with Bexa, including ultrasound, does not use any radiation and is safe during pregnancy and breast feeding.


Bexa exams require no physician referral and no advance preparation—schedule when the time is right for you.


The results of a bexa exam are provided to women at the end of the examination.


96% of women receiving a breast exam with Bexa do not require further studies or tests.

A scalable, highly adopted solution

Reducing the disparity in early detection requires a solution that can be made easily accessible, and one that women will adopt.

The Bexa Solution:

  • Is safe for every woman, and during pregnancy
  • Can be deployed in efficient community spaces
  • Does not require a doctor’s referral
  • All exams are performed by registered technologists

With early detection, breast cancer is a highly treatable disease

85% of women diagnosed with breast cancer have no prior family history of the disease.

BeSure is changing the narrative around preventative screening—all women, regardless of age, should have a screening tool at their disposal.

With early detection, survival rates remain incredibly high across the board.

Bexa technology allows us to focus on prevention, with the ability to catch cancer in its earliest stages before it has an opportunity to spread.